Lynn Luckow

Lynn most recently served as Interim Executive Director for TBP.  Lynn is a senior advisor, consultant, speaker, coach and four-time CEO.  He founded and led LikeMinded, Inc., a nationwide crowdfunding platform designed to assist nonprofit and civic enterprises expand engagement, funding and impact in their local communities.  Prior to LikeMinded, he served as President & CEO of Craigslist Foundation, Northern California Grantmakers and Jossey-Bass Publishers. Lynn has served on or consulted to over 50 nonprofit boards, including chairing the national boards of Chanticleer, the Kinsey Institute, Project Open Hand and the National 4-H Council. Currently he serves on the boards of LikeMinded, Inc., Rotary Club of San Francisco, and Delta Upsilon International Fraternity, and on the advisory boards of, Quarter Zero, Project Open Hand, Smuin Contemporary Ballet, and World Arts West.